Your search for "symposium" return 22 results.
Ceva conducts latest of its Expert Symposia >
Veterinary specialists gather in Madrid to discuss latest trends in sow reproduction
Ceva launches latest of its Vector Vaccines at VIV Asia 2011 >
VECTORMUNE HVT- NDV® generates strong interest at symposium organised to present new strategies to combat Newcastle Disease.
Ceva sponsors the International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpes viruses organised by INRA, France >
11th International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpes viruses organized in Tours, France
One Health put into practice: Veterinary and human cardiologists discuss cardiovascular disease in pets >
Paris, February 2016 - ‘Making tomorrow happen today’ was the theme of the human-veterinary cross-talk symposium organised by Ceva on February 19.
Experts from around the world gather to discuss the global threat of AI: “the US will be prepared to vaccinate if necessary” >
Mid-September, experts from around the world gathered in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss the threat of Avian Influenza (AI) to global poultry stocks. A two hour symposium, hosted by global animal h...
Ceva to showcase latest hatchery innovations during World Veterinary Poultry Association congress >
Libourne 31th August 2015 – The XIXth World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) congress takes place on September (7th- 11th) in Cape Town, South Africa with Ceva as a diamond sponsor. The congress...
Ceva proposes new respiratory health programs for swine >
Symposium held prior to ESPHM presents benefits of more targeted vaccination
Ceva contributes to optimize dairy cattle performance to fulfill increasing global milk demand >
The 2nd reprodAction Cattle Symposium gathered 300 cattle reproduction specialists in Nice to improve the current reproductive management.
2nd ReprodAction Cattle Symposium – Nice 2014 >
Reproductive Management in Action
Ceva stresses the need for more INNOVATION in the hatchery to drive growing global demand for poultry meat >
Company launches Cevac IBird ® a live, attenuated IB vaccine, to add to its portfolio of 16 new technology vaccines